So - in August I moved to a new place. It's a disabled unit, so is ground floor, easy access and has a wet room instead of a shower - all of which is great for me. AND it has a proper kitchen - instead of a hallway pretending to be a kitchen.
Best of all, it has an outside courtyard that is almost as big as my living area!
I have been inspired to try gardening. It will all be in pots, as there are no garden beds as such (all paved) and I'm goingn to concentrate on making it an edible garden - herbs, veggies, fruits, etc. I've started with some Australian Native bush tucker plants which have now been planted out.
They had a rough start, taking 2 weeks to get here from Victoria and I've been trying to nurture them along until I can plant them in the toughs. Now I need to water and fertilise them (I've been told to use Seasol on them - which sadly I won't have until next week).
Let's see how I go!
I also plan to plant Rozellas, beans, peas, potatoes, cucumbers, garlic, onions, warrigul greens, pepperberry, geraldton wax, bok choi and tatsoi, and herbs. And as many other native edible plants as I can - there are so many that are so interesting!
I am also going to do some companion plantings of things like nasturshum, lavender, marigolds, maybe dahlias. My ambition is to also have a small rose garden (I adore roses- they are my favourite flower).
Planning it to be a mixture of a native edible and a medieval edible garden! That should be intereting!
I have a friend who has said they will give me some cherry tomato seedlings, and another offering me aloe vera.
Quite excited about this - if I can make sure they all live!!!
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